Referral Agencies that aren’t SARA

The Planning Regulation 2017 – Referral Agencies that aren’t SARA (State Assessment and Referral Agency)

Other than SARA (State Assessment and Referral Agency), the Queensland Government department which assesses some development applications, there are a number of other referral agencies that may need to be involved in the assessment of a development. A development application for certain aspects of development might require assessment by these referral agencies, resulting in the a referral agency response that may include conditions of approval, and in some instances these referral agencies may also direct that a development not be approved by the Local Government (Council) if they are the assessment manager.

For certain aspects of development these other referral agencies include;
• The Queensland Fire and Emergency Service (Eg. for tidal works or work in a coast management district involving a marina)
• Gold Coast Waterways Authority (Eg. for tidal works or work in a coast management district involving Gold Coast waters)
• Minister responsible for administering the Transport Infrastructure Act (Eg. for MCU on strategic port land that is inconsistent)
• Chief Executive of the port authority (Eg. for Prescribed assessable development that is within the limits of a port)
• Port operator (Eg. When the applicant is not a port operator and development is proposed within the port limits and below the high water mark)
• Brisbane City Council (Eg. For development on Brisbane core port land)
• Chief Executive of the distribution entity or transmission entity (i.e. Energex and Powerlink) (Eg. for Development involving an easement or near a substation site)
• Local Government (Eg. For certain building work if not complying with certain provisions, development on airport land)

If you want to take a look at the Planning Regulation 2017 it can be found at

Do you want to find out if your property and/or development requires referral to any other authority? Contact us today.


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